This week was amazing. Time flies when you are working hard and are having fun. This week we had a huge focus to reach out to the less active members of the ward. This was a challenge because more than half of the people in the Ward list don´t live here anymore. On the bright side we were able to make contacts with the people that live there now. And were about to help bishop out in reorganizing the ward list.
The ward I'm serving in is in great need of help. This is why president sent another two missionaries to serve in the ward. A lot of repairing of less active people and a lot of people to baptize. The sad part of this Ward is that when people get an education and a better job offer they move, these are usually the stronger member, its hard to help ward strong with only a few strong members. Our Bishop is 32 and the ward secretary has 19. But they are doing a great job. I'm so glad that I'm in this area because I know they are in need of help. We are trying to make every member a strong member so its not up to just a few people.
One couple we are teaching really want to get baptized but they have to wait to get married and she is 9 months and a few days pregnant. Every time we go and knock on there door we say to each other, she had the baby today for sure. But that moment hasn´t come yet. Talking to them about the Plan of Salvation is perfect since they are starting a family right now. They understand that the gospel of Christ will make them happier not only has a marriage but for there baby to come as well.
This Sunday was fast Sunday. I went up and bore my testimony without my comp asking for the first time. I'm finally getting more comfortable talking in front of a lot of people in Portuguese. Although I'm far from perfect I can feel the difference for even one week ago. It was a really spiritual Sacrament meeting to say the least. Everyone wanted to share a spiritual experience but the 1st counselor had to cut it off. Lucky one of our investigators got up and bore his testimony. The greatest part is no one told him to do it. He just got up and bore a strong testimony through the Holy Ghost. (Its really weird writing in English right now)
Another one of our investigators is a friend of a member. She is 14 and her mom passed away when she was 11. This is really hard for her to deal with. We were able to share a message that she can see and live with her Mother after this life. She really felt the spirit and teared up. The only problem is her Grandma who she lives with is a really strong Catholic but we still have faith. She has a desire.
My Comp is still amazing nothing has changed. He wants to leave the mission being super ripped so we wake up 30 minutes earlier every day and workout. It always a good this to have a friend that is up to do anything and anytime. I'm so sad I only have 5 short weeks left.
Here in Brasil there is a fruit called Jaca. I have heard of how amazing this fruit is from everyone, but I had never eaten it. We were all a less actives home when he picked a Jaca fruit off the tree. I was so excited, I even took a picture with him (the picture attached to this email) The moment he gave me it I started to eat super fast with out thinking. All the sudden I started to feel my throat, back, and face swell. Looking around I asked to go to the bathroom. The rest was history, now I'm aware of my allergy of Jaca. You learn something everyday on the mission.(my comp took a after picture but unfortunately that will not be attached)
Can't believe this will be my first Christmas on mission. Its going to be weird but I already know I'm going to love it. Hope everyone is doing great back home. Save some snow for me!
Com Amor,
Elder Seth
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